Dear colleagues,
This is an expert survey regarding the curriculum of media literacy education. Your valuable input is greatly appreciated.
Our survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The results of the survey will be analyzed and published in the international academic journal and Internet website.
Please send back the answers to Deadline is October 1, 2015.
We are really appreciate Your time and effort.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Fedorov,
“Media Education” Journal, editor-in-chief
Dr. Anastasia Levitskaya, media educator.
P.S. We greatly appreciate all friends, colleagues, media educators who cooperated with us on our previous survey. Its results were published in the academic journal “Comunicar” (internationally indexed): Fedorov, A., Levitskaya, A. The Framework of Media Education and Media Criticism in the Contemporary World: The Opinion of International Experts. Comunicar. 2015. Vol. XXIII, pp. 107-115.