“La interactividad, consecuencia de la digitalización, incrementa el poder de los usuarios, alcanzando niveles jamás obtenidos en las etapas anteriores del desarrollo de los medios y del consumo de la cultura”. (Jenkins, 2008: 57) La circulación abierta de informaciones e ideas abre nuevas formas de expresión, debate, movilización y posibilidades emancipadoras, en las que compartir […]
Media Education Towards Peace Cultures. Future professionals as Citizens-Mediators
This paper presents a pioneering experience for Spanish University Communication degrees. It deals with the elective subject «Audiovisual Discourses and Peace Culture» offered in the fourth year of the Audiovisual Communication University Degree at Universitat Jaume I of Castellón. This learning project is focused on the proposals of peace research as a complementary and coincident […]
Réconciliation, Paix et Développement à travers les TIC
Le projet d’appui à la jeunesse du Mali en vue de la réconciliation, la paix et le développement à travers les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), développé par l’UNESCO en partenariat avec le gouvernement bulgare, a été lancé le jeudi 13 mars 2014 à la Maison de la presse, à Bamako. Son […]
From the Ecology of Broadcasting to the Ecology of Participation
More than forty years ago, Marshall McLuhan, among others, famously started theorizing and analysing what will be referred to here as the ecology of broadcasting (McLuhan 1964; McLuhan & McLuhan 1988). His analyses hovered above questions such as: What will television mean to the world we once knew? In what ways has radio reshaped our […]
The Mediatization of Childhood and Education: Reflections on The Class
Walk into any classroom today and you’ll find a mix of smart phones, tablet computers and smart boards – for reading, viewing, searching and connecting. Walk into any family home today and here too you cannot fail to observe the plethora of screens and other digital paraphernalia – personally and collectively owned – again, for […]
Cine y Educación para el Desarrollo
Desde que Tus Ojos inició su andadura en 2002, nuestra premisa ha sido siempre ¿cómo ser útil a la sociedad? Por el camino hemos ido encontrado pequeñas pistas, y a día de hoy, la sensación de que estamos muy cerca de llegar a la meta: elaborar productos y desarrollar servicios que ayuden a la condición […]
Media Literacy in Europe: Inspiring ways to involve parents
In this magazine, is highlighted a new series of good and inspiring practices from all over Europe, which all include parents in their Media Literacy work. It describes projects that raise parent’s interest in and understanding of the media activities of their children to digital Media devices, and that teach parents and children (together) the […]
Material Didàctic (Barcelona Aula Mòbil)
Aquí trobaràs tot el material necessari que fem servir als tallers del projecte Barcelona Aula Mòbil d’alfabetització audiovisual: el dossier pel professorat, plantilles d’storyboard, planificació de rodatges… La voluntat del projecte Barcelona Aula Mòbil no és només fer un curt, simo apropar el llenguatge audiovisual a alumnes i professors per tal de formar espectadors crítics […]
Fedorov, A. Media Literacy Education and Media Studies: 40 articles (English Language)
Fedorov, A. Media Literacy Education and Media Studies: 40 articles (English Language)
Fourth International Conference of Media Literacy: Multidisciplinary Approach of Media Literacy Research and Practice (call for papers)
The Fourth International Conference of Media Literacy: Multidisciplinary Approach of Media Literacy Research and Practice 5-6 November 2015 Hong Kong (DEADLINE of Abstract – 25 June 2015) After decades of development, the research and practice of media literacy education has gradually become mature. The field of media literacy is located at the crossroad of many […]
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