The Adobe Youth Voices Program Guide provides support around facilitating the process from pre-production through exhibition. Resources, such as writing prompts and storyboarding tools, that are easy to work with and inspire creative thinking are fundamental to the process and help youth generate ideas, plan out projects, and refine their message.
Exploring the Links between Media Literacy, Propaganda and Radicalization
Presentation by Renee Hobbs at the Media & Education conference in Brussels, March 9-11, 2016. Professor Renee Hobbs shows how critical thinking about contemporary propaganda may help to address the problem of extremism around the world.
Youth Media Alliance (YMA) Digital Toolkit
The Digital Toolkit was designed as a clear, concise response to the issues and challenges faced by youth content producers working on digital platforms. Created by specialists in the production and distribution of content for the very youngest audiences, the kit pragmatically explores the ethical and legal questions — safety, moderation, online payment, advertising, marketing, […]
自英国文学批评家列维斯和汤普生1933年提出媒介素养概念以来,媒介素养教育已经在欧美发达国家得到了迅速的发展,近年来在中国大陆也越来越引起学界关注。但是,要开展科学、有效的媒介素养教育,必须首先对目前中国公众的媒介素养状况加以全面、客观的了解。为此,复旦大学教育部哲学社科重大攻关项目“媒介素质教育理论与实践研究”课题组,着眼于将媒介素养视为现代社会公民素养的重要组成部分,于2007年5月~6月,通过在全国四个主要城市大规模随机抽样问卷调查的方式,希望第一次全面考察目前中国公众媒介素养的基本状况,并探究其与公众人口特征、政治认知、媒介使用等因素之间的关系,以期为我国媒介素养教育提供有益的参考。 根据学者们的概括①,媒介素养教育理念70多年来已经过了四次可称为“范式转移”的变化:第一代“保护主义”的媒介素养观源自精英文化脉络,强调保护公众免受不良媒介信息的侵害;第二代(60年代)则认为媒介信息不都是有害的,关键在于受众对媒介内容的主动选择和辨别;第三代(80年代)开始强调培养公众对媒介信息的批判解读能力;第四代(90年代以来)则从对文本的批判解读扩展到对媒介组织运作的认知理解,并进一步拓展到以公众媒介参与为核心的社区行动范式。因此,本文将媒介素养界定为一个多维度概念,并着重考察其三大核心维度———媒介信息处理能力、媒介知识、以及媒介参与。 本次调查在北京、上海、广州和西安四个城市进行,所有城市的抽样均采取多层、随机方式:先根据各城市人口统计资料,按照PPS方法抽取出40个居委会;然后,按系统随机方式在每个被抽中的居委会中抽出15户家庭;最后,根据“最近生日法”从每户家庭中选择一名年龄在18~70周岁之间的个人作为访问对象。调查共成功访问到2409名样本,总体成功率为75.8%。所有数据均采用SPSS进行分析。
New Millennium Learners: Initial findings on the effects of digital technologies on school-age learners
The CERI Project entitled New Millennium Learners (NML) started in 2007 with the global aims of investigating the effects of digital technologies on school-age learners and providing some recommendations on the most appropriate institutional and policy responses from the education sector. Adopting a classical approach, the project comprises two different phases: the first phase explores […]
The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children (DigiLitEY)
Young children are growing up in highly technologized societies across Europe. The aim of this COST Action is to develop an interdisciplinary network that enables researchers to synthesise existing research and identify gaps in knowledge in this area. This will help to avoid duplication, foster innovative avenues for future research and effectively advance knowledge in […]
The Past, Present, and Future of Media Literacy Education
Media literacy education in the United States is actively focused on the instructional methods and pedagogy of media literacy, integrating theoretical and critical frameworks rising from constructivist learning theory, media studies and cultural studies scholarship. This work has arisen from a legacy of media and technology use in education throughout the 20th century and the […]
Este es un tema que preocupa a muchos padres ya que afirman, con razón, que no suelen especificarse las edades cuando se habla de tecnología. Ya he dicho en algún momento anterior que no soy especialista en estos temas, ni pretendo serlo. Me parece que si se tiene un poco de sentido común el asunto […]
The LAMP empowers people of all ages to live, learn and create with media and technology. Our project-based workshops enhance 21st-century survival skills including critical thinking, production, writing, collaboration and much more. “Programs like The LAMP meet students where they’re at – with technology and media that’s relevant to them – and provide students, teachers, […]
Introducing Africa
Elementary School This kit is designed to unearth stereotypes about Africa and helps to teach about diversity. In the first lesson, students challenge their own stereotypes about Africa through a series of photographs. After discussing the photographs, students examine how media constructions of Africa helped inform their responses. The second lesson uses currency as the […]
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