Fake news stories can have real-life consequences. On Sunday, police said a man with a rifle who claimed to be “self-investigating” a baseless online conspiracy theory entered a Washington, D.C., pizzeria and fired the weapon inside the restaurant. So, yes, fake news is a big problem. These stories have gotten a lot of attention, with […]
Beyond literacy and voice in youth media production
When analyzing young people’s media projects, it is easy to get excited about “youth voice” as a site of free expression and social critique. Tempting as this is, media scholars, as well as young producers and adult mentors, note the varied, often contradictory, voices and interests at play within youth videos, photography exhibitions, and other […]
Representing young people’s sexuality in the ‘youth’ media
This paper reports findings from a content analysis of the main messages about sexuality in media outlets consumed by young people. It examines how sexuality is represented and the level of sexual health information provided in some UK magazines and TV programmes targeted at young people. Our findings show that such outlets included a vast […]
Ill Communication: Technology, Distraction & Student Performance
This paper investigates the impact of schools banning mobile phones on student test scores. By surveying schools in four English cities regarding their mobile phone policies and combining it with administrative data, we find that student performance in high stakes exams significantly increases post ban. We use a difference in differences (DID) strategy, exploiting variations […]
The struggle over media literacy
The goal of media literacy is to help people become sophisticated citizens rather than sophisticated consumers. The authors argue against a purely ‘text-centred’ approach in which media texts can be deconstructed and analyzed so we can choose among them. Instead, media literacy should integrate a textual analysis with questions of production and reception. An analysis […]
Critical media literacy: Research, theory, and practice
Literacy is on the verge of reinventing itself. Luke and Elkins (1998), recently appointed editors of the Journal of Adolescent and Adult literacy, noted in their first issue of the journal that the potential for such reinvention is reflected in the way “texts and literate” practices of everyday lie are changing at an unprecedented and […]
Comunidades de práctica: un modelo de intervención desde el aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos virtuales
Este artículo describe los resultados de investigación de un estudio sobre la conformación de una comunidad de práctica a través de e-learning social y aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos virtuales (CSCL). La muestra está formada por 20 mujeres gitanas adultas y residentes en Extremadura (España) heterogéneas en edad, nivel formativo y actividad laboral. El estudio parte […]
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy
Журнал публикует материалы, статьи о результатах исследований в области медиаобразования на английском языке. Редакция приглашает к публикации статей о своих достижениях как специалистов из России, так и зарубежных партнеров. Наш журнал научных публикаций и научных статей перед выходом представляет материалы на рецензирование независимым экспертам, не входящим в штат сотрудников журнала, проводящим исследования в подобных областях. […]
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy
The journal publishes the scientific articles, concerning the results of research in the field of media education. The articles are accepted only in English. The Editorial Board welcomes articles from both Russian and foreign researchers. This is an open access journal. The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges. The […]
Multimedia es tal vez el medio que mas velozmente se está adaptando a los procesos de comunicación de finales de nuestro siglo. El sistema multimedia, como lo caracterizamos en el número anterior de esta Revista, es un medio audiovisual que se elabora teniendo en cuenta las características personológicas del auditorio al que va dirigido, así […]
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