El nuevo trabajo de la Iniciativa por la Libertad de Expresión en Internet del Centro de Estudios en Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información (CELE) aborda los debates en torno a la creación de un nuevo derecho al olvido que podría devolverle al individuo el control sobre su información y, además, liberarlo de […]
Media proficiency, an educational initiative that cannot wait
In these times of deep crisis, audiovisual communciation is taking on an ever-increasing importance in the context of the digital society in which we live; communication technologies are present in all aspects of daily life and the consumption of media is growing and unstoppable, especially with the overwhelming presence of smartphones that have invaded all […]
Ofcom Digital Day 2016
This document provides an in-depth study of the findings from the Digital Day 2016 children’s consumer research. It focuses on the data from the children’s quantitative three-day diary study, and includes some comparisons to the adults’ study and Digital Day 2014. Key findings from the main adults’ study were published in August as part of […]
Children’s media literacy research 2016
Media literacy enables people to have the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to make full use of the opportunities presented both by traditional and by new communications services. Media literacy also helps people to manage content and communications, and protect themselves and their families from the potential risks associated with using these services. Ofcom’s […]
Facebook reportedly testing new tool to combat fake news
Facebook appears to be testing a tool designed to help it identify and hide so called “fake news” on the social network, in an attempt to quell increasingly vocal criticism of its role in spreading untruths and propaganda. The tool, reported by at least three separate Facebook users on Twitter, asks readers to rank on […]
Media and Learning News (Dec 2016)
The Media & Learning Association operates a number of dissemination channels including the monthly Media & Learning Newsletter sent to almost 12,000 email addresses each month, a full set of operational social media channels and a webinar service webinar service as well as having an established reputation for creating and distributing information in multiple languages across […]
Youth media education survey 2001
This report presents the results of a global survey of media education, focusing primarily on schools. It summarises the responses made by participants from 35 countries, together with extrapolations from an extensive review of print and web-based materials relating to media education. The response to this survey suggests that media education has tended to move […]
Imagining the Audience: language, creativity and communication in youth media production
This article provides an analytical case study of the production of two films made by young people as part of the VideoCulture project, and of the ways in which they were interpreted. The case study raises key issues to do with the question of audience, which has been a major theme in debates around the […]
信息时代,作为承载和传递信息的介质,媒介已经成为一个必不可少的社会构成因素,从各个方面对人们的生产生活产生着影响。我们一方面在享用媒介发展带来的丰富和便利,另一方面也面临着前所未有的问题和挑战。面对复杂多变的媒体世界,培养和提高公众的媒介素养,是帮助人们更好的适应信息社会发展和挑战的重要条件。当前,以手机、互联网为代表的新媒体迅猛发展,并以前所未有的速度渗透到人们生活的方方面面。新媒体表现出来的新特征,对大众媒介素养的培养和提升不可避免地会产生影响。大学生作为新媒体的主要接触者和使用者,如何提高自己在当前背景下的媒介素养,具有重要而深远的意义。 本文牢牢立足新媒体的时代背景,紧密结合大学生媒介素养的构成要素展开。通过对新媒体和媒介素养概念的梳理以及影响关系的阐述,来明确当前大学生媒介素养培养的四个方面,即大学生关于新媒体的认识、利用、信息的甄别判断以及提高自身媒介素养意识的认识。接着以这四个方面为切入点,对武汉市的四所高校大学生的媒介素养现状进行调查研究,分析新媒体背景下大学生媒介素养现状。最后根据调查反映出来的问题,有针对性地提出提升大学生媒介素养的措施,为大学生媒介素养教育提供可供参考的依据。
2016年12月3日,由中国传媒大学新闻学院、中国教育电视台《小小演说家》栏目组主办,北京中传赛奥教育科技有限公司承办的全国青少年媒介素养教育(口语传播)研讨会暨《小小演说家》栏目地面选拔活动启动仪式在中国传媒大学国际交流中心隆重举行。 此次研讨会作为青少年媒介素养教育的专业盛会,得到了全国各地方广播电视媒体单位、各大院校媒介素养教育研究教师、各地区语言艺术培训学校、各文化传媒、公关类公司的大力支持,并荣幸邀请到了来自中国传媒大学新闻学院、中国教育电视台《小小演说家》栏目、行业企业等的数位专家和嘉宾。
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