A research study by the CMPA, with funding support from the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and the Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC).
Using Participatory Media And Public Voice To Encourage Civic Engagement
Media technologies and practices are moving too quickly for us to wait for empirical understanding of changed learning and teaching styles before engaging young people with the civic potential of participatory media: it is important for the future of the public sphere and the future of the young people who will constitute it that today’s […]
New Literacies with An Attitude: Transformative Education through Video Learning
Over the past decade an emerging line of research has suggested that innovative uses of digital video arts and communication technologies can provide powerful tools for learning. These new technologies bring multiple forms of “new literacies” for negotiating meaning within and against the backdrop of a digital world. (Alvermann, 2002) Understanding and incorporating this broadening […]
Good Video Games And Good Learning
Good video games operate by a principle just the reverse of most schools: performance before competence (Cazden 1981). Players can perform before they are competent, supported by the design of the game, the “smart tools” that the game offers, and often, too, the support of other, more advanced players (in multiplayer games, in chat rooms, […]
Aprender Con Los Medios
La revista presenta diferentes artículos sobre las maneras de aprender con los medios. «Comunicar» nace con esta vocación comunicadora -y valgan las redundanciasen un tiempo en el que más que nunca es importante la comunicación y la reflexión. Investigaciones, propuestas, experiencias, informaciones, reseñas, ficheros prácticos, monografías… tendrán cabida en esta nueva plataforma que nace abierta […]
De l’éducation aux médias aux médiacultures : Faire évoluer théories et pratiques
Les médias sont des partenaires cognitifs et des agents de socialisation et l’urgence est de reconnaître que, si la culture n’est plus ce qu’elle était, il existe des « médiacultures » qui peuvent permettre de dépasser les clivages entre culture d’élite et culture de masse et que l’école doit prendre en compte. Reprenant la leçon […]
Estudiantes del Cetav Desarrollarán Videojuego Sobre Cambio Climático
El conocimiento de temas como el aumento de las temperaturas en el planeta, los gases de efecto invernadero, las inundaciones o las sequías que azotan hábitats humanos será fundamental para los estudiantes del Centro de Tecnología y Artes Visuales (Cetav), quienes desarrollarán un videojuego educativo junto con expertos internacionales y la empresa nacional Fair Play […]
L’éducation aux images, l’éducation aux médias et l’essor de la culture numérique
De nombreux chercheurs ont fait valoir que la pensée visuelle est au cœur de la créativité humaine. Elle a été conceptualisée comme une orientation possible en vue d’améliorer les facultés cognitives. Dans cet article, j’explore la relation entre l’éducation aux images (« visual literacy ») et l’éducation aux médias (« media literacy ») et l’essor […]
Collaboration, Pedagogy, and Media: Short-Term Summer Program Emphasizes Project Based and Social-Emotional Learning
This article purports the idea that summer programs that experiment with media literacy and social-emotional learning could potentially affect students’ academic performance. Based on a six-week program, working with rising eighth grade students in a low-income school district, this program allowed students to work on media projects while trying to develop stronger capacities of self-awareness, […]
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