The website has a Pop Studio, an online creative play experience for girls designed to promote media literacy. It strengthens critical thinking skills about television, music, magazines and online media directed at girls 9-14. There is a corresponding website available for teachers to enhance the digital learning experience.
Deconstructing Hate Sites
Online Anti-Hate Tool Kit
Desmantelamiento de sitios Web que promueven el odio
Caja de herramientas antiodio en línea
Medios, violencia y sus efectos en la agresión
Investigación acerca de los efectos de la violencia en los medios
Media Violence and its Effect on Agression
Research on the Effects on Media Violence
Media Education Lab’s Pop Studio
The website has a Pop Studio, an online creative play experience for girls designed to promote media literacy. It strengthens critical thinking skills about television, music, magazines, and online media directed at girls 9-14. There is a corresponding website available for teachers to enhance the digital learning experience.