“Introducing TakingITGlobal’s official HIV/AIDS Youth Guide to Action! This comprehensive guide contains inspiring stories and useful resources for youth; all the necessary tools to help carry out your project, raise awareness, and help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS” (Retrieved on August 26, 2008 from http://www.takingitglobal.org/resources/toolkits/view.html?ToolkitID=1343).
Estudios de caso sobre las condiciones del éxito de la educación mediática
Guía para la educación en medios
Media Literacy Toolbox
Media Literacy Toolbox provides a complete introduction to media literacy concepts, skills and applications. It’s an interactive DVD-ROM containing over 100 selected media examples – television commercials, magazine ads, excerpts from TV and radio shows, newspaper and magazine articles and other media messages. The disc also includes over 30 printable activity and discussion guides you […]
“Media4[ME] is a European network, which links media education with social cohesion, intercultural dialogue and human rights issues by exchanging intercultural good practice and methodologies between members, by promoting and sharing research and by designing joint activities for youngsters, adults and minorities in Europe. Media4[ME] defines intercultural media education as all media education activities for […]
Online Video Contest ‘Intercultural Dialogue’
2008 is the European year of Intercultural Dialogue. The Xenoclipse project has opened a VIDEO CONTEST on cultural diversity. Submission deadline: September 30, 2008 VIDEO CONTEST ‘INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE’ http://www.xenoclipse-net.eu/spip.php?article65 First Prize (Xenoclipse): 1000 euros Best original idea: 500 euros Best production: 500 euros Honourable mentions: 200 euros each
Los chicos e internet. Para una navegación responsable, provechosa y divertida.
“El cuidado de los chicos cuando usan internet a partir de la capacitación, la responsabilidad y la colaboración entre padres e hijos es el tema del cuadernillo “Los chicos e internet. Para una navegación segura, provechosa y divertida”. El objetivo es que los padres y los docentes conozcan lo bueno y lo malo de la […]
Recursos Educativos
“Presentamos la Colección educ.ar para navegar conectado en internet. Un conjunto de recursos, ejercicios, documentos, canciones y videos para trabajar en los distintos niveles educativos en una amplia gama de temas curriculares: Lengua, Matemáticas, Ciencias Naturales, Ciencias Sociales, Formación ética y Ciudadana, Informática, entre otros” (Extraído el 19 de agosto de 2008 de http://www.educ.ar/educar/site/educar/Recursos%20Educativos/Colecci%F3n%20educ.ar.html?uri=urn:kbee:08a6b3f0-4a89-11dc-9c46-00163e000024&page-uri=urn:kbee:ff9221c0-13a9-11dc-b8c4-0013d43e5fae). “Propuestas […]
Young People and Social Networking Services
The project investigates how social networking services can and are being used to support personalised formal and informal learning by young people in schools and colleges. The work opens by asking “What are social networking services?” This section investigates current definitions of social networking services and provides a comprehensive review of current social networking service […]
Cyberbullying advice & guidance
In the UK, a reported 22% of children and young people claim to have been the target of cyberbullying making this one of the most important new areas of behaviour to understand and to equip schools, carers and young people with the ability to respond. In 2007, Childnet was commissioned by the UK Department for […]
Internet Literacy Handbook
“In the space of only a decade or so, the Internet has revolutionised the way we work, learn and play. Traditional literacy skills are no longer sufficient for those who wish to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the pitfalls presented by the Internet. Indeed, the lack of basic information literacy skills is as […]
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