The “Public Media 2.0: Dynamic, Engaged Publics is a white paper, designed by the Center for Social Media at the School of Communication American University. The report offers an expanded vision for public media: multiplatform, participatory, and centered around informing and mobilizing networks of engaged users. Showcasing trends and experiments from the “first two minutes” […]
International Journal of Learning and Media, Volume 1, number 1
The aim of the International Journal of Learning and Media is to provide a forum for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to examine the changing relationships between learning and media across a wide range of forms and settings. The journal will have a special interest in the youth as to understand learning new and emerging media […]
Internationales Zentralinstitut für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen (IZI)
Mit seiner Arbeit will das IZI dazu beitragen, die kulturelle Bedeutung des Fernsehens für Kinder und Jugendliche und seine Einbettung in die Alltagswelt dieser Zielgruppen darstellen und klären zu helfen. Daran anschließend möchte das IZI zur Diskussion über den Bildungsauftrag der Rundfunkmedien, dessen zeitgemäße Realisierung und die Verantwortung der Medien gegenüber der Gesellschaft beitragen.
Young Leaders Visitors
The Young Leaders Visitors Program seeks to establish a foundation for dialogue, mutual understanding and knowledge-sharing among young opinion-makers from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, West Bank-Gaza and Sweden. YLVP strives to strengthen participants in their prospects to drive processes for social change in their respective contexts. The program consists of two phases, […]
Pestalozzi European Modules: Media literacy based on human rights (ML)
The PESTALOZZI Programme is the Council of Europe flagship programme for the professional development of teachers and education actors. The program is build on a long tradition of teacher training bursaries at the Council of Europe and is developed to respond to the challenges of the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of […]
Wired Kids
Wired Kids is a part of the WiredSafety family of sites and programs, as an educational program. It is devoted to make sure that all kids, no matter what background they have, all have access to education and safe internet experience. It’s a fun place where children, teens and even parents and teachers can learn […]
Kinder, Jugendliche und Internet
Die Nutzung neuer Medien durch Kinder und Jugendliche steht im Mittelpunkt des Projekts „EU Kids Online“, das Anfang 2006 von der Europäischen Kommission im Rahmen des Programms „Safer Internet Plus“ bewilligt wurde. Ein Forschungsverbund mit Partnern aus 18 Ländern wird Daten sammeln, zusammenführen und die jeweiligen Befunde vergleichend auswerten und im Hinblick auf Maßnahmen zur […]
Wenn Spongebob mit den Schlümpfen feiert
Der Beitrag stellt die Leser und Zuschauer eine kurze Einführung in die Praxis der Medien pädagogische Arbeit im Kindergarten. Es geht über die verschiedenen Aspekte der Lehre und der Medienkompetenz auch die Lehrer-Eltern-Zusammenarbeit
21. Yüzyıl için Okuryazarlığı Genel Bir Bakış ve Tanıtım Rehberi Medya Okuryazarlığı Eğitim için
21. Yüzyıl için Okuryazarlığı Merkezi Medya Okuryazarlığı eğitim çerçevesinde bir parçası ise, CML MediaLit Kiti ™ ve preK-12 eğitim medya eğitim soruşturma temel unsurları bir giriş tabanlı sağlar. Bu tespit ve teori, pratik ve medya okur-yazarlık uygulanmasını açıklayan amaçlıyor. Bu atölye çalışmaları, seminerler veya lisansüstü öğretim için bir kaynak-hizmet programları ise, okul veya bölge bir […]
Literacy for the 21st Century: An Overview & Orientation Guide to Media Literacy Education
Literacy for the 21st Century is a part of the Center Media Literacy’s educational framework, the CML MediaLit Kit™ and provides an introduction to the basic elements of inquiry-based media education in preK-12 education. It seeks to identify and describe the theory, practice and implementation of media literacy. It is a resource for workshops, graduate […]
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