光影的瞬间,永恒的定格描述的是摄影的一格一世界。绣罗衣裳照暮春,蹙金孔雀银麒麟说的是服饰之美。花随玉指添春色 鸟逐金针长羽毛刻画了刺绣的惟妙惟肖。而集真、善、美与一体的中国结则让我们领略到了中国的传统文化……本部分内容利用现代信息技术和视觉表征体现了传统与现代文化深刻而丰富的内涵,感悟了生活中的建筑、摄影、服饰、装饰(中国结)、扇艺等视觉对象所包含的内涵,透过现象看本质,从而提升我们的视觉素养。
CFP – Journalism Research and Education Section (JRE) ONLINE JOURNAL 2012
The JRE Section of IAMCR invites all presenters from the Durban conference to submit papers to the English Edition of JRE On-line Journal. Your work will be published in an international, online, peer-reviewed journal. The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2012. We are delighted to announce the inaugural online edition of the JRE Online […]
«Hansel y Gretel» o cómo cambió un cuestionario a causa de una galleta de chocolate
En esta comunicación se describe el proceso de aplicación de un cuestionario a un grupo de alumnos de 4º de primaria, con el objetivo de medir su competencia mediática. La experiencia, efectuada en un CEIP de la ciudad de Córdoba (España), constituye una de las fases de un proyecto I+D+i, liderado por la Universidad de […]
Video report produced for the QNA Journalism workshop for ML students in schools by the Junior Reporters at Doha Centre for Media Freedom Doha, Qatar
QNA has decided to hold a three-day workshop (September 24-26) from 9am to 1pm. Twenty students aged between 10 and 15 years old are taking part in the workshop as they were nominated by the Media Literacy Programme in DCMF / Qatar . DCMF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with QNA to cooperate in a […]
Alfabetización digital: proyectos y recursos web para la protección de la infancia en la Red
Año: 2010. Resumen: La alfabetización digital es clave para que niños y adolescentes den sus primeros pasos en la Redconcienciados de lo que representa este medio y del papel que pueden jugar. La presente comu-nicación inicia con el estado de la cuestión, para luego ejemplificar con estudios e investigacio-nes que se están llevando a cabo, […]
MediaAct – Striving for media pluralism in the digital age
According to the democratic ideal, fair and open media should exist in society without political intervention. But sometimes self-regulation of the media is no more desirable than governmental control. According to the MediaAct research project, the ‘gold standard’ in Europe should be ‘regulated self-regulation’, whereby the media industry is expected to self-regulate but that governmental […]
New CFP-Global Media Journal, African Edition-January 15
Deadline January 15, 2013 The Global Media Journal, African Edition invites submissions for its next issue with a theme of media and governance in Africa. This special issue on climate change and global warming is primarily focused on Public risk perceptions as crucial drivers of natural hazards policy and management response (Kellstedt, Zahran & Vedlitz […]
Декларация международной научной конференции «Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций» (Таганрог, 7-8 сентября 2012 года)
Декларация международной научной конференции «Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций» (Таганрог, 7-8 сентября 2012 года) Понимая важность развития медиаобразования в современном обществе, учитывая документы ООН и ЮНЕСКО, Ассоциации кинообразования и медиапедагогики России, принятые по данной тематике в предыдущие годы, участники международной научной конференции «Современное состояние медиаобразования в России в контексте мировых тенденций» […]
Tahina-Can Morocco Expedition’s “travelogue” Day 1
The Tahina-Can Expedition returned from its adventure in the Moroccan desert as well as various cities within the country. A total of 46 university students from Spain, accompanied by a team of guides and professors from the Department of Communication and Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), were part of this expedition which […]
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