Since January 2011, the eyes of the world have turned to the Arab Spring. Launched by the image of the self-immolation of the Tunisian vegetable vendor Mohamed Bouazizi as an outcry against the humiliation of citizens at the hands of authoritarian states and their security apparatuses, the Arab Spring has so far resulted in a […]
Taking power through technology in the Arab Spring
Social media is no longer the domain of solely the left, liberal youth, but instead empower different agendas.
The Intervention of TV in the Chilean Earthquake
This paper has two purposes: one conceptual and the other practical. On a conceptual level, it outlines a model for understanding how TV operates as a social mediator in the event of natural disasters, and at the practical level, it recommends measures that can be used to optimize the role of TV and its ideal […]
La intervención de la televisión en el terremoto chileno
Este trabajo contempla a la vez un propósito conceptual y otro de orden práctico. En lo conceptual se propone un modelo para comprender el funcionamiento de la televisión en escenarios de catástrofe y consecutivamente se sugiere, desde este modelo, un conjunto de derivaciones prácticas destinadas a optimizar la funcionalidad de la televisión en estos escenarios. […]
媒体素养教育是在大众传媒时代,针对多种媒介对人的影响而提出的一种教育思想和 教育方法。它以培养人的素质为核心,即:使人们具备正确使用媒介和有效利用媒介的能力,并建立 获得正确媒介信息、信息产生的意义和独立判断信息价值的知识结构。媒体素养教育是当前在欧荚各 国得到重视的一场教育运动,同时也引起亚洲、非洲一些国家的传播学者和教育学者的关注。它是一 门融合传播学、新闻学、教育学、美学等学科理论的新学科。对媒体素养教育的研究,直接关系到新 时期全民素质的提高。本文从历史的纵向和发展的横向对媒体素养教育进行分析和介绍,并切合我国 国情和现状,对该学科在我国发展的重要性以及必要性进行分析和评述。
Doha Centre for Media Freedom Media Literacy Introduction Audio (English)
Doha Centre for Media Freedom Media Literacy Introduction Audio (English ) that was launched & inaugurated on 15102012 that will be used in all PR approaches and Radio specifically.
Media Education and Training Facilities in Pakistan: Problems & Prospects
After the independence of Pakistan, no opportunities were available of proper training or education for the journalists. Those who started newspapers or joined the profession possessed the missionary spirit and few of them were acquired with formal or informed education or expertise in one field or the other. They happened to know the technicalities of […]
Digital Media Literacy Education and Online Civic and Political Participation
Can media literacy education promote and improve youth engagement in civic and political life? Unfortunately, to date, there have been almost no quantitative assessments of the frequency or possible impacts of media literacy education. This study draws on a unique panel data set of a diverse group of youth in high school and college settings. […]
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