Many students entering post-secondary institutions today have limited knowledge and abilities in the area of information literacy. Information literacy is a critical skill for postsecondary students. Post- secondary educators, who recognize and accept the literacy limitations of today’s students, will be better positioned to adopt their teaching styles and curriculum to cultivate information literacy. Post-Secondary […]
Learning from Recent British Information Literacy Models: A Report to ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force
Information literacy is a fluid concept, shaped by our experiences, and changes in our information rich society. Guidelines articulating information literacy need modification to reflect the current form of this evolving concept. This report highlights the work of four groups in the United Kingdom to create innovative guidelines to assist practitioners in the promotion and […]
Analyse didactique et communicationnelle de l’éducation aux médias: éléments d’une grammaire de l’incertitude
La présente thèse est à la fois exploratoire et descriptive. Elle se situe dans le cadre général de la communication humaine spécifiée à la communication en milieu didactique. La focalisation sur l‟incertitude intrinsèque de ces situations pour le professeur et les élèves va nous amener à considérer et à caractériser les transactions didactiques. Celles-ci mettent […]
Ensenyar i aprendre en un món digital
Els ordinadors han irromput a les aules de molts centres educatius i ho han fet per quedar-s’hi. Per aquesta raó em sembla oportú parlar de la nostra experiència com a docents en aules TIC i compartir reflexions sobre les seves potencialitats i propostes d’aula. En la nostra exposició anirem, com si es tractés d’un zoom, […]
Young people and creative video production: A case study of media making on issues of stress and friendship among secondary school students in Malaysia
This paper discusses a study in which groups of young people aged sixteen recorded videos, using camcorder equipment on the issues of stress and friendship in their lives. The main aim of the study was to engage young people with media critically and creatively. The paper describes how this project gave young people an opportunity […]
Role of Television in Child Development
Child development has been considered as a priority sector by the policy makers in India and other countries. A new generation of children has grown up with television exposure in modern society. The impact of television on the personality of the children needs to be examined scientifically and systematically in modern society. Children spend a […]
Media & the Nepali Public: Survey Assessments of Media Capacity, Credibility and Literacy
This report primarily showcases findings of survey assessments that Media Foundation undertook in partnership with UNDP, the government of Japan and UNESCO. The Journalists’ Survey and the Public Opinion Survey were conducted during June-July, 2012. The surveys’ overall goal was to assess the media environment of Nepal with the immediate objective to identify priorities in […]
Practical development of modern mass media education in Poland
The paper analyzes the main ways of practical development of modern media education (1992-2012 years) in Poland: basic technologies, main events, etc
The Effects of ICT Environment on Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Integration in Japan and the U.S.
The present study analyzes the effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment on teachers’ attitude toward technology integration in Japanese and U.S. elementary schools. Teacher’s attitude plays an important role in influencing the effectiveness of ICT education from a variety of perspectives. A number of studies have been done regarding teachers’ attitude toward ICT, […]
El enfoque educativo de la pantalla y su impacto en los universitarios: Caso Universidad De Occidente
Cuando se habla del impacto de la pantalla en los universitarios, es preciso recurrir al uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación dentro de los procesos de aprendizaje de los usuarios. La pantalla representa potencialidades de narrador del mundo social, traza recorridos portando rasgos del vivir que demandan ser interpretados para generar […]
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