We are delighted to present the four school videos by the students from Al Riyadi Centre for distinguished students in Irbid / Jordan as a result of the MIL workshop that we held in May 2013. Jordan School News 1 – School Scientific Research Program DCMF’s Junior Reporters do their School News report on the […]
Facebook Usage among Somali Youth: A Test of Uses and Gratificaitons Approach
This study aims to investigate the uses and gratifications obtained by Somali youth from using Facebook based on the uses and gratifications theory. The study employed online survey to collect the data. A total of 311respondents participated in the study. The results suggest that Somali youth are motivated by virtual companionship escape, interpersonal habitual entertainment, […]
ERIS Audience Survey – Ethiopia 2011
This survey is based on interviews with adults above the age of 15 in 3,999 households across Ethiopia. The sampling methodology is based on a multi-stage random sample design to ensure full representation across all regions and key demographic groups. Sample districts were chosen to be representative of the geographic, ethnic and socio-economic diversity of […]
Online and upcoming: The Internet’s impact on India
The Internet today connects more than two billion people worldwide. The Internet already has immense impact on the global economy, contributing an estimated $1.7 trillion, or just under 3 percent, of global GDP in 2010. Yet half the number of Internet users lives outside the advanced economies, often in countries that are quickly developing, have […]
Mapping Digital Media: Russia
The values that underpin good journalism, the need of citizens for reliable and abundant information, and the importance of such information for a healthy society and a robust democracy: these are perennial, and provide compass-bearings for anyone trying to make sense of current changes across the media landscape. The standards in the profession are in […]
Some Reflections on the New Media and Lesser Used Languages
Scientific or technological inventions are neither good nor bad in themselves. It is how they are used by us that makes them either good or bad for humankind. Nuclear power immediately springs to mind as a classic example. Man’s ability to fly is another. Aircraft can be used to transport people and goods from one […]
Analyzing ICT literacy of German Teachers: Focusing age and gender issues as well as identifying knowledge levels
Owing to the increasingly fast development of media and especially the advancement of computer technology in recent decades, the topic of ICT integration in classrooms is being intensively discussed on different levels and media educators argue about the missing link between school education and the use of ICT in schools. In this respect, ICT-related competencies […]
e-book on on-line content/production and children. And parents involvement in the process.
Childhood in the Age of Global Media
This paper provides a critical overview of debates about the role of media in globalisation, with specific reference to the position of children. The paper begins with a broad-ranging discussion of relevant literature in the field. It argues that, while the economic ‘logic’ of globalisation may lead to a homogenisation of cultural products, it has […]
L’era de la llum: societat i comunicació a les portes del segle XXI
L’expressió anglesa chip (xip) definia, fins no fa gaire, un trastet diminut i esquifit. Molts diccionaris encara diuen, en primer lloc, que significa bocinet, tros, estella, encenall, fitxa, pastilleta. Res d’important. Però l’electrònica l’ha desposseït d’aquell caràcter anodí i li ha donat la categoria d’objecte transcendent. Un xip és ara una píndola electrònica capaç de […]
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