After almost five years of work in the field of media education, after reading about hundreds of projects that seek to increase media literacy in Europe, visiting dozens of them and getting directly inspired by their energetic work and dedication, we decided it was time to create a platform for a selection of these practices. […]
Researching on and with Young People: Collaborating and Educating
This paper reports on collaborative research on and with young people. In this study five groups of students in the final year of their Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) from five different schools developed five ethnographic studies about how they communicate, express themselves and learn inside and outside school, with the support and collaboration of teachers […]
Middle East Digital Digest – Issue 4 – September/October 2012
The Digital Digest aims to summarize the most important technology developments in the Middle East in particular, and the rest of the world. This quarterly report is published by the Social Impact Team at ictQATAR. Stories of particular interest in this issue includes: Booz and Co. partner up with Google to produce the Arab Digital […]
Bridging The Digital Literacy Divide
“Digital literacy” refers to the ability to use technology, such as computer hardware, software, and the Internet, to locate, evaluate, use, and create information. It demands technical and critical thinking skills to access multiple forms of media and then digest, integrate, and present this information in a simple and accessible manner. Students should be developing […]
Mapping digital media: Kazakhstan
The values that underpin good journalism, the need of citizens for reliable and abundant information, and the importance of such information for a healthy society and a robust democracy: these are perennial, and provide compass-bearings for anyone trying to make sense of current changes across the media landscape. The standards in the profession are in […]
Global Agenda Council on Informed Societies: Towards a Blueprint for Informed Societies
This is a time of profound change in the way we inform ourselves as societies. The digital revolution is challenging the old media – print, radio and television – creating a situation of peril and vast new opportunity. Many traditional media organizations are struggling. Across many countries, dozens of newspapers have gone out of business […]
To age is to fail: the media’s message to older women
From C4’s How Not to Get Old to the Mail’s sidebar of shame, women are cast as players in a doomed quest for eternal youth.
A Community of Practice: An Intervention Model based on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
This paper describes the results of a research study on the establishment of a Community of Practice through social eLearning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). The sample consisted of 20 adult women of gypsy origin of various ages, educational level and work activity residing in Extremadura (Spain). The study makes a contextualization and then […]
Educación artística y competencia mediática en el currículo de Educación Primaria
En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de la presencia de la competencia mediática en los objetivos, contenidos y criterios de evaluación del área de Educación Artística en la etapa de Educación Primaria. La metodología utilizada auna una perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa. Los resultados indican que la competencia mediática se evidencia en todos los elementos […]
La competencia mediática en la era de la convergencia digital. Nuevas audiencias, nuevas responsabilidades.
Este trabajo se centra en la evolución de la creciente omnipresencia de las tecnologías comunicativas en la sociedad del info-ocio digital, especialmente la brusca irrupción de la red Internet en nuestras vidas. Los relevantes cambios espacio-temporales que ya se venían gestando gracias a la “era de la televisión”, se han magnificado en esta nueva época […]
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