This new publication, supported by USAID and the mEducation Alliance, provides a comprehensive summary analysis and overview of 44 existing projects incorporating the use of mobile technologies (broadly defined) to accelerate reading, particularly in developing countries. Written by lead author, Daniel A. Wagner, UNESCO Chair in Learning and Literacy, and Director of the International Literacy Institute at University of Pennsylvania, with the assistance of a student research group from the University of Pennslyania, the landscape review takes the broad domain of new information and communications technologies (ICTs) for education, and focuses on the fast-evolving sub-domain of mobiles for reading, or M4R.
The ‘mobiles’ in this review primarily refer to mobile technologies—ICTs that are portable, typically battery powered, and may be connected to cellular networks and/or the Internet. The term ‘reading’ refers to the joint abilities of understanding and producing written language, for children, youth and adults.
This review of M4R focuses primarily on the use of mobile ICTs designed to help children learn to read, practice reading (reading to learn), and acquire a broader range of learning skills that support a literate society.
These issues are discussed in the landscape review’s seven sections that precede a Synopsis Chart of the 44 reviewed projects and detailed project summaries.