Fedorov, A. Media Pedagogy in Russia. In Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online (Medienpädagogik, Medienpädagogik international). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Juventa, 2013.
Alexander Fedorov
Media Pedagogy in Russia
33 Seiten
Aus: Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft Online.
Fachgebiet: Medienpädagogik, Medienpädagogik international.
hrsg. von Dorothee Meister, Friederike von Gross, Uwe Sander.
© Beltz Juventa, Weinheim und Basel. 2013.
01.08.2013 / DOI 10.3262/EEO18130301
This is the article about the history of media pedagogy in Russia, the significance of media pedagogy, education, references to theory, training and occupational fields, fields of action, institutions, media-related protection and media law. The author contends that media education in Russia can be divided into the following main directions: 1) media education of future professionals in the sphere of press, radio, television, cinema, video and online-journalists, editors, directors, producers, actors, directors of photography, etc.; 2) pre-service media education of school and university-level instructors at Universities, Pedagogical Institutes and in-service professional growth courses; 3) media education (integrated into the existing curriculum or autonomous – special courses, electives, clubs activities) as part of the general curriculum in secondary schools, colleges and institutes; 4) “out-of-school” media education in children’s/students’ clubs, leisure centers, institutions of extracurricular work, clubs; 5) distant media education; 6) independent, continuous (theoretically, life-long) self- education in media use and interpretation.
1. The History of Media Education in Russia
2. Current Developments and Discussions in Media Education
3. Theoretical Trends in Russian Media Education
4. Training and Occupational Fields, Fields of Action in Media Education
5. Media Education Institutions
6. Media-related Protection and Media Law
Russia, pedagogy, media education literacy, history, theory, practice.