Ofcom is the communications regulator. We regulate the TV and radio sectors, fixed line telecoms and mobiles, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate. We make sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and are protected from scams and sharp practices, while ensuring that competition can thrive.
This is the core report on adult media literacy. Published 16|05|2008.
The promotion of media literacy is a responsibility placed on Ofcom by Section 11 of the Communications Act 2003. Ofcom’s definition of media literacy, developed after formal consultation with stakeholders is ‘the ability to access, understand and create communications in a variety of contexts’. This report is structured according to the elements in this definition.
ACCESS includes take-up of media devices, volume and breadth of use.
UNDERSTAND includes interest and competence in using the features available on each platform, extent and levels of concern, trust in television and online content and use of television and internet security controls.
CREATE includes people’s confidence in engaging with creative content and their interest in carrying out creative tasks, most notably using social networking sites.