The development of media literacy education in modern Russia, having been for a quarter of a century at the
stage of the enthusiasts’ experiment, is facing a number of problems. In accordance with UNESCO recommendations, it is necessary: to develop comprehensive programs for media education at all educational levels;
training teachers in the field of media education and increasing awareness of media literacy of all stakeholders and organizations in the social sphere; conducting research in the field of media education and the wide dissemination of their results; international cooperation in the field of media education; and most importantly -the wide practical
implementation of media education of the population at various levels. In this direction, it is necessary to consolidate pedagogical universities, universities, schools of journalism, libraries, media centers, and media
community; coordination of interaction of state structures, already existing media education centers and experimental sites in this field. In a word, it is necessary to introduce media education wherever possible within the
curricula (schools, universities), as well as in the context of additional, informal education and self life-long
The model of mass media education we have developed, in our opinion, can be adapted to different age and
professional groups of the population, but preferably requires, of course, substantial support from the state, media and public structures
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- : Alexander Fedorov
- : Media Education. 201 8 . No 2