Information literacy is a fluid concept, shaped by our experiences, and changes in
our information rich society. Guidelines articulating information literacy need
modification to reflect the current form of this evolving concept. This report
highlights the work of four groups in the United Kingdom to create innovative
guidelines to assist practitioners in the promotion and teaching of information
The findings outline prevalent concepts from newly revised, or recently created,
British information literacy models. Each model provides some level of guidance for
higher education. This report is not a definitive examination of British information
literacy for higher education. The depth of British information literacy research and
expertise is too expansive. Instead this report highlights the work of four groups in
the United Kingdom to develop new guidelines to advance information literacy
development and learning.1 This study outlines prevalent or innovative concepts
and learning outcomes for information literacy guidelines, while reiterating
important ideas found in other models such as ACRL’s Information Literacy
Standards for Higher Education.
Collectively the four groups strived to build holistic, flexible frameworks that
integrate information literacy into the learning process. Several themes emerged to
shape how the authors realized this paradigm. The themes include:
External collaboration
Information and information literacy landscapes
Multidimensional learning
Academic literacies
Expanding participation
Addressing transitions
The appendices provide additional information by identifying external consultants
and mapping the ACRL Standards to the British models.