Go Back To Where You Came From provides an unprecedented first-hand account of the international refugee experience. This compelling, informative and educational three-part documentary and its supporting online resources will equip teachers and students for the national discourse on the complexity of managing those who seek asylum on our shores.
The documentary follows the experiences of six Australians who for one month are confronted with the harsh realities of life as a refugee as they journey to some of the most dangerous and desperate regions of the world. From different backgrounds, with different viewpoints, six contentious perspectives will challenge, test and help form your students’ attitudes.
While Go Back To Where You Came From is appropriate for cross-curricula classroom learning application, this complete resource particularly pertains to secondary school studies of:
1. Senior Geography (Years 11 and 12)
2. Geography (Years 9 and 10)
3. Studies of Society and Environment
4. Human Society and Its Environment
5. Civics and Citizenship
6. Values and Religious Education