This instructor’s manual was developed as part of a program aimed at imparting critical media consumption training in the Middle East. The program was part of the Peace Education Through Media (PET-Med) project in 2010-2011, which was funded by the EU Partnership for Peace Program of the European Commission delegations in Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, and conducted jointly by the Veneto Region of Italy, the Netanya Academic College in Israel, and the Palestine-Israel Journal. The training manual was modeled on the theoretical bases of critical media literacy for the purpose of developing students’ critical analysis and evaluation of media frames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is based on the experimental resources of three academic colleges in Israel (two of them teacher training institutions) which encourage students to apply critical thinking to the functioning of older and newer media, and to offer alternative approaches to and messages about conflict coverage. In this way it offers students the experience, both as consumers and producers, of being critical citizens of current digital new media.