Autobiographical analysis – a comparison of person’s life experiences with the life experience of media texts’ characters. This analytical approach is based on human associative memory (flashes of memory) and helps the audience to understand the impact of media culture is critical for the development of the human personality, contributes to the development of media competence. The compensations of the feelings, missing in the person’s real life and experiences, are absolutely natural. And the autobiographical analysis on media literacy education classes is associated with the therapeutic effect and the phenomenon of compensation. The article presents the main directions for autobiographical analysis on media education classes for student audience, including the examples of creative problems and issues associated with this type of the analysis in the context of media education problems, i.e. based on six key concepts of media literacy education: agency, category, language, technology, audience, representation. The author thinks that the autobiographical analysis of media texts on media education classes can significantly develop media competence of students, including critical thinking and perception
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- : Alexander Fedorov
- : Research Gate