“About pbs teachers: Free Resources for Teaching & Learning: PBS Teachers is PBS’ national web destination for high-quality preK-12 educational resources. Here you’ll find classroom materials suitable for a wide range of subjects and grade levels. We provide thousands of lesson plans, teaching activities, on-demand video assets, and interactive games and simulations. These resources are correlated to state and national educational standards and are tied to PBS’ award-winning on-air and online programming like NOVA, Nature, Cyberchase, Between the Lions and more.
Local Resources & Services: PBS Teachers is also the gateway for local resources and services offered by your local PBS station. By localizing this website to your local PBS station, you gain access to educational resources, programs, TV schedules and more. Find your local station.
Professional Development: We provide professional development for educators through PBS TeacherLine. As the premiere provider of high quality online professional development, PBS TeacherLine has been recognized for excellence by organizations such as the United States Distance Learning Association, the National Educational Association, and the Software and Information Industry Association. Our collection of more than 130 top quality, graduate level courses for educators spans the entire curriculum: Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Instructional Technology, Instructional Strategies, and Science. And our newest offering, PBS TeacherLine Peer Connection, taps the power of online communication, collaboration, and content to provide a rich, flexible set of tools to help instructional coaches open and maintain productive communications and collaboration with the teachers they support.
PBS Video Products: PBS Teachers will also help you find PBS video products. You can use PBS Shop for Teachers to find DVDs and other formats of PBS series and specials which are cleared for use in educational settings, educationally enhanced, segmented and searchable.” (Retrieved on September 2, 2008 from: http://www.pbs.org/teachers/about/).