The Steering Board of the European Media Literacy Education Study (EMEDUS) held a meeting on 15 March in Brussels to monitor the ongoing research.
The Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación, as representative of the UAB in the project, participated in the meeting to contribute with the progress that has been made from the Barcelona group.
José Manuel Pérez Tornero, as principal researcher in the project at that university, and Juanfran Martinez, also a researcher in the project, shared assessments and recommendations for the development of the different work packages that are conducting the other European partners.
The meeting was also attended by Paolo Celot, Stephanie Racette, Manuel Pinto, Marco Ricceri, László Hartai and Barbara Kadzierska, as representatives of other institutions participating in the project.
Marco Ricceri, Eurispes representative (Italy), summarized the results of research carried out by this institution on Informal Education in Media. In this framework, during the past period from November to January, data on 115 cases was collected, which will be analyzed considering methodological criteria, efficiency and impact of such cases.
For the analysis, a common evaluation protocol approved together with its partner in SKAMBA (Slovakia) will be followed. In the meeting, guidelines for the development of the analysis were also set, such as the balance among the types of media analyzed and the representativeness of various educational levels in research.
László Hartai presented, meanwhile, results of work package 3, which deals with comparative research on Formal Education in Media at European level. As a result of this WorkPackage various curricular profiles will be generated for the different analyzed countries from a critical approach. The Hungarian scholar also presented various summary tables with the data analyzed so far.
Manuel Pinto, of Universidade do Minho (Portugal), introduced the partial progress of research on Media Education for Inclusion for Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion. From a series of hypotheses based on literature review, a set of cases will be selected for study in depth. As a result of all these studies, an overview of the current situation, a review of European policies in the field, and initiatives and recommendations about them will be presented.
At the meeting, the overall project status and the development of progress reports that are consistently delivered to the European Commission were assessed. In addition, it was agreed to hold the next follow-up meeting in Rome, Italy.