Information literacy is central to South African education, which explicitly aims to provide school leavers with the skills demanded by the global information society. This research attempts to closely correlate between information literacy and information literacy education to view educational change in South Africa. It focuses on compulsory school education rather than tertiary because there […]
Interactions of Young Andalusian People inside Social Networks
Several studies on youth and social networks have generally revealed extensive usage of these Internet services, widespread access from almost any location and the special importance that the youth attach to these services in building their social relations. This article presents part of the analyses and results from a research questionnaire on «Scenarios, digital technologies […]
Reseña: A la búsqueda del espectador en la era digital
El espectador en la era digital es todavía un fenómeno en exploración. No se sabe a ciencia cierta qué es lo que realiza con más frecuencia delante de las pantallas: consumir, aprender, entretenerse, informarse, o, incluso edu carse. Este libro comprende una serie de presentaciones realizadas a propósito de las IX Jornadas Profe – sionales, […]
The Promise of Open Data in Brazil: Fostering Participation, Building Local Capacities
In 2004, the Brazilian Federal Government Transparency portal was inaugurated by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU). The portal opens the government’s use of state financial resources to public scrutiny, allowing every citizen to verify how and where the government is using taxpayer money. In 2011 the Open Government Partnership was launched with Brazil […]
Literacy-Erziehung in der Familie
Mit dem Begriff “Literacy” ist zum einen die Fähigkeit gemeint, lesen und schreiben zu können – und zwar in einem Ausmaß, das die Teilhabe an der (Wissens-) Gesellschaft ermöglicht. Das heißt, es sollten sowohl komplexere, abstrakte Texte verstanden werden als auch eigene Gedanken, Kenntnisse und Pläne flüssig niedergeschrieben werden können. Zum anderen umfasst Literacy die […]
This report describes the findings from an online mapping of the populist right and right-wing extremism in Europe. By online mapping is meant a picture of the right according to the web. We have not correlated our findings with an offline baseline, such as expert reports of levels of right-wing activity and membership counts, however […]
Mobile Learning for Teachers: Global Themes – Exploring the Potential of Mobile Technologies to Support Teachers and Improve Practice
This paper is part of the UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning. The Series seeks to better understand how mobile technologies can be used to improve educational access, equity and quality around the world. It comprises fourteen individual papers that will be published throughout 2012. The Series is divided into two broad subsets: six […]
Turning on Mobile Learning: Global Themes – Illustrative Initiatives and Policy Implications
This paper is part of the UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning. The Series seeks to better understand how mobile technologies can be used to improve educational access, equity and quality around the world. It comprises fourteen individual papers that will be published throughout 2012. The Series is divided into two broad subsets: six […]
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