Past Events
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Ofcom’s Children’s Media Literacy
Ofcom’s Children’s Media Literacy will be taking place on Tuesday 23rd January 2018, from 10am to 1pm, at Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Rd, London, SE1 9HA. The event brings together stakeholders from government, academia, research agencies, the voluntary sector and industry. This year’s event will be hosted by Sharon White, Ofcom’s Chief Executive, and will include the following presentations from Ofcom and researchers from academia and the research sector: Section 1 - Children’s content consumption Emily Keaney, Ofcom: YouTube,…
Find out more »What does intercultural dialogue look like? (Video Competition- Call for entries)
To enter, participants must submit a video no longer than 2 minutes that highlights the importance of intercultural dialogue, responding to the question: “What does intercultural dialogue look like?” Entries will be accepted April 15-May 31, 2018. One winner will receive a $200 prize. The top 20 entries will be posted to the CID YouTube channel, and be highlighted on the CID website, along with posts describing the creators and highlighting each of their videos, throughout the rest of 2018.…
Chaque année, au printemps, plus de 200 000 enseignants de tous niveaux et de toutes disciplines participent à la Semaine de la presse et des médias dans l’école®. Elle a pour but d’aider les élèves, de la maternelle aux classes préparatoires, à comprendre le système des médias, à former leur jugement critique, à développer leur goût pour l’actualité et à forger leur identité de citoyen.
Las pantallas y los productos digitales son las herramientas principales de información en la sociedad actual, por lo que la educación mediática juega un papel importante para garantizar la autonomía personal de los ciudadanos. Los organismos internacionales (UNESCO, ONU, UNICEF, Consejo de Europa, Parlamento Europeo) han demostrado, en los últimos años, un especial interés por los cambios producidos por la convergencia mediática. Por lo tanto, la investigación científica, en este ámbito, se revela como la mejor forma para analizar las…
las pantallas y los productos digitales son las herramientas principales de información en la sociedad actual, por lo que la educación mediática juega un papel importante para garantizar la autonomía personal de los ciudadanos. Los organismos internacionales (UNESCO, ONU, UNICEF, Consejo de Europa, Parlamento Europeo) han demostrado, en los últimos años, un especial interés por los cambios producidos por la convergencia mediática. Por lo tanto, la investigación científica, en este ámbito, se revela como la mejor forma para analizar las…
Find out more »Transmedia Literacies
Transmedia Literacy International Conference (March 22-24, 2018). This event brings together a vibrant and global community of media and education researchers and innovators. The conference is organized as a part of the dissemination activities of the TRANSLITERACY H2020 action, a project that involves researchers from Europe, Latin America and Australia. Beyond the paper sessions and the keynotes the Transmedia Literacy International Conference will include workshops and short presentations by education innovation leaders. The main objective of the conference is to…
Find out more »Mobile Learning Week 2018
Mobile Learning Week is UNESCO’s flagship ICT in education conference. Mobile Learning Week 2018 is being organized in partnership with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for ICT. The event will be held from 26 to 30 March at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The 2018 event will be organized under the theme “Skills for a connected world”. Participants will exchange knowledge about the ways governments and other stakeholders can define and achieve the skills-related targets specified…
Find out more »2nd International Media Literacy Research Symposium
Call for proposals/abstracts:October 1, 2017- November 4, 2017 Notification of acceptance: December 1, 2017 STRANDS OF FOCUS: Strand 1: Media Literacy: Past, Present, and Future Papers/Presentations in this strand will explore the growth of media literacy through a current and/or historical lens in all facets–academia, education, non-profits– looking to understand the foundations of the field, and what they mean for the future. Strand 2: Civic Media Literacy and Participatory Culture Papers/Presentations in this strand will explore the opportunities that media…
Find out more »Difference Day (World Press Freedom Day)
On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Libre de Bruxelles and Erasmushogeschool Brussel, BOZAR, & Evens Foundation, together with other partners such as EPC MPA, EBU, Bertelsmann, la Commission Européenne, l’UNESCO, EED, … designate May 3rd as Difference Day. For us celebrating freedom of the press and freedom of expression means honouring people and organisations that make a difference in protecting and promoting these values.
Find out more »From News Literacy to ‘Newsgames’: Conversations Celebrating World Press Freedom Day
On the occasion of 2018 World Press Freedom Day, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is collaborating with the News Literacy Project (NLP) on two panels at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. World Press Freedom Day was initially proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. This year, UNAOC is supporting this initiative by organizing two open conversations underscoring the role of news literacy education in promoting civil discourse…
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