Mediakasvatusseura ry harjoittaa julkaisutoimintaa. Tältä sivulta voit ladata seuran julkaisuja sähköisenä. Mediakasvatusseuran julkaisut ovat toistaiseksi vain sähköisessä muodossa. Tiedotamme painoksista ja tilausprosessista näillä sivuilla.
Decades of Finnish Media Education
A Short history of Finnish media education from 1950s to the beginning of the 21th century.
Media education in Finland. Approaches in culture and education
This publication takes a review of the recent guidelines and practices in the media education field in Finland. The object of this publication is to reveal those areas of media education that are subject to development and to create a basis for more extensive international cooperation.
Finnish Media Education
Information about Finnish media education policies and practices at school, at early childhood education, projects, societies and associations. on palveleva sivusto lasten, nuorten ja median kanssa työskenteleville ammattilaisille, tutkijoille ja vanhemmille. Portaali kuuluu Lapset ja media-hankekokonaisuuteen ja on opetusministeriön rahoittama. Sivustoa tuottaa ja ylläpitää Mediakasvatusseura.
Hakukone etsii mediakasvatusmateriaalia suomalaisista nettilähteistä. Valitse sopiva ikäryhmä sekä teema ja käynnistä haku. Hakutulokset listautuvat hakukoneen alapuolelle. Klikkaamalla materiaalin otsikkoa pääset tutustumaan materiaaliin tarkemmin.
The Finnish Society on Media Education
The Finnish Society on Media Education (FSME) aims to support and develop the field of research and practices concerning media literacy education, contribute to the public debate and provide opportunities to share media education experiences online and offline nationally and globally. We organise events, update an informative website in three languages and co-operate in national […]
Metacultural Assessment of Intelligibility in Broadcasting (MAIB), a reaserch project
Metacultural Assessment of Intelligibility in Broadcasting (MAIB) is a research project that aims at developing a scientific method for the systematic analysis of cultural differences in broadcasting. The project addresses issues of cultural adaptation, integration or dis-integration that have an obvious intellectual and social relevance. The period of funding is from January 1, 2006 to […]
Ubiquitous ICT for sustainable education and cultural literacy
This publication is a product of a collected effort by international leaders and aims to offer a tool for a better understanding of the challenges global education and cultural dialogue. The findings may be used to guide the efforts of governments and policies to further a better cross-cultural understanding. The report provides a summary of […]
المرئية والضعف والتحرش البصري
ورشة عمل عن العنف الإعلامي والتنظيم الذاتي والتربية الإعلامية